




Medical Legal Consulting






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Theo Med Law offers many legal services. 

· Reviews the medical chart in its entirety and provides a concise and clear summary of the medical case

· Organizes medical records and other medically related litigation materials

· Prepares chronologies of medical events and correlates them to the allegations

· Reviews and analyzes documents and compares them to the allegations

· Evaluates the possible breach of duty on the part of the healthcare practitioners or facility

· Accesses issues of damage and causation

· Provides a review of the medical malpractice case, feedback as whether the case has merit, and an affidavit verifying the merits of the case

· Provide concise but thorough verbal or written answers to any specific questions of the case

· Provides explanations and education of medical facts as it relates to the issue or issues of the case

· Provides persuasive charts and diagrams to be used as trial exhibits

· Researches applicable literature and evidence to determine the merits of a case

· Summarizes medical literature

· Defines and evaluates the standards of care practices

· Assists in obtaining medical records and identifying missing records

· Provides support during discovery, depositions, trial and other legal proceedings

· Provides assistance in writing depositions, direct-exams, and cross-examinations of expert and lay witnesses

· Assist in locating and retaining expert witnesses












































































































































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